Gay bar gay bar song

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“perhaps the biggest tragedy yet: I was at a bar for 3 hours last night and JUST found out Kacey Musgraves went there and sang right after I left,” the user wrote. Twitter user was devastated he missed out on seeing Musgraves, despite being at Tavern earlier that night.

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“kacey musgraves playing at a small gay bar in philly just proves she knows her fan base,” wrote. USA TODAY has reached out to reps of both Musgraves and Tavern on Camac for comment on Musgraves’ performance.įans were pleased with Musgraves’ unscheduled appearance at the bar. More: Mick Jagger goes unnoticed at a small North Carolina bar: 'Regular, old bloke' Say, women, they will come and they will go.” “Players only love you when they're playing. “Thunder only happens when it's raining,” Musgraves crooned the lyrics to the iconic chorus.

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Musgraves took a break from her “star-crossed: unveiled” headlining tour, which kicked off earlier this month, and popped into Tavern on Camac, a gay bar in the Philly area, according to a video posted by Instagram user With a pianist by her side and surrounded by floating heart decorations, Musgraves sang a cover of the Fleetwood Mac hit “Dreams” to an enthusiastic crowd. Ahead of playing an arena show in Philadelphia, Kacey Musgraves surprised fans with an impromptu performance at a local bar on Monday, according to Billboard.

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